Local Government just another layer in ANC's patronage network

The most recent, yet unsurprisingly embarrassing drivel from ANCYL President Julius Malema proves yet again the extent to which the ruling party has lost touch with the interests of South Africans.

Apart from the veiled attacks at the Zuma-Gupta connection and the typical rants about nepotism and nationalisation, Malema demonstrated just how little he actually understands the idea of constituency-based representation.

TimesLive provides this pearl of wisdom from Malema as he delivered the Youth League's message of support at the ANC's Local Government Election Manifesto launch in Rustenburg:

eMquiring Minds

As a man of many words, sometimes it is best to let the dictionary do the talking. What is this all about? Is it yet another pet project undertaken with immense enthusiasm which would fizzle out and die as summer turns to autumn? Maybe... but until then this is about one eMquiring mind, hoping to offer an alternatively critical perspective.


–verb (used without object)
  1. to seek information by questioning; ask: to inquire about a person. 
  2. to make investigation (usually followed by into ): to inquire into the incident.


  1. employing or following nontraditional or unconventional ideas, methods, etc.; existing outside the establishment: an alternative newspaper; alternative lifestyles.


  1. occupied with or skilled in criticism.
  2. involving skillful judgment as to truth, merit, etc.; judicial: a critical analysis.
  3. of or pertaining to critics or criticism: critical essays.
 Definitions courtesy of our friends over at Dictionary.com